Mortgage Solver Plus Registration Form Your Name: __________________________ Company: __________________________ Address: __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ Phone number: __________________________ Internet Address: __________________________ Price per copy: $12.00 Number of copies: ____ Total: ________ Signature: ___________________________ Date: ____________ Please enclose a Check or Money order to the order of Yvon Landry and Christian Verdon. Mail to: Yvon Landry and Christian Verdon 44 Royal Field Cr. Nepean, Ont. K2J 4E8 How did you obtain Mortgage Solver ? ____ Archive site ____ BBS ____ Other (please specify) _______________________ What Hardware Platform do you own ? Macintosh ____ PC ____ Comments: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Thank you for purchasing Mortgage Solver Plus!